What We Offer

Our team provides a range of services to help your child and your family. All programs are created from research-based strategies and developmentally appropriate curriculum. All services provided utilize the data collection and review procedures required for evidence-based ABA practices. The teaching of treatment goals is done in a one on one or group setting in a natural environment (NET) and Intensive Teaching (ITT) settings.
Services in Applied Behavior Analysis
Social Skills Training
One-On-One settings
Play Dates - Facilitated Peer Play
Social Groups - small groups customized for your child, his/her goals, with his/her peers, and in his/her community
Communication Training: Strategies are used to increase appropriate communication.
Mand Training (Requesting)
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Assistive Technology (AAC Device)
Vocal Speech
Conversational Language
Turn Taking
Staying on Topic
Decrease problematic behavior by teaching increasing functional language skills and teaching replacement behaviors.
Behavior Intervention Plan
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) takes the observations made in an FBA and turns them into a concrete plan of action for managing a child's behavior. A BIP may include ways to change the environment to keep behavior from starting in the first place, provide positive reinforcement to promote desired behavior, withhold reinforcement from undesired behavior.
Play Skills: Age-appropriate skills are taught
Toy Play
Pretend/Imaginative Play
Cooperative Play
Functional Behavior Assessment
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is an attempt to identify the maintaining variables of a particular behavior and hypothesize what function it may be serving for a child. Truly understanding why a child behaves the way he or she does is the first step to developing an effective intervention.
VB-MAPP, ABLLS-R, AFLS, Brigance Developmental Inventory, informal parent/ teacher interview & observation, social skills inventory, reinforcer inventory, and other developmental checklists. Assessments are used to guide program development. They are NOT used to diagnose.
"Potty Party"
We train parents how to provide a child-specific plan for toilet training. Toilet training can be challenging; we are here to support and encourage this process. We offer several packages of various intensity levels. Prices may differ from regular sessions.
Rapid Toilet Training (3-day approach based on methods of Azrin and Foxx)
Schedule/Habit Training
Parent Training Model
Daily Living Skills
We assist in teaching your child day-to-day self-help skills; for example, dressing, eating, grooming, household chores, etc.
IEP Review
Assist in creating IEP goals with the parents, teacher, and administrator. We can also attend IEP meetings to help advocate in the best interest of the child. Collaborate with parents to understand how to navigate the IEP process.
Academic Assistance
Assist parents and teachers in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and possible skill deficits with academics and help to provide strategies and break down skills for your child to have more success with schoolwork and homework.
School Consultation:
Shadow Services: one-on-one assistance in-group settings, such as private schools, daycares, camps and learning centers. Shadowing can assist with behavior, communication skills, social skills, etc. Shadow services are only optional per employee availability.
In School Facilitation: help to collaborate with teachers and professionals to accomplish common goals.
Training Opportunities: paraprofessional training, teacher workshops, etc.
Program Development
This includes ongoing assessments, data compilation, task analysis, program updates, reports, review any given documents, development of treatment plans, and sometimes direct instruction training program management. A description of the completed program development tasks, including time spent, during each month will be attached to the invoice each month. Time needed for program development is 4 hours each month. This time can be in addition to the weekly allotment of hours or can be done in place of a session. Please note that prices for program development are different from session prices. Program Development allows us to review your child's progress, research, and update any new plans your child may need. * This service is not optional. It is mandatory with any other service.
We also can assist in community outings, family activities, doctor appointments, haircuts, developing schedules/routine, and improve sibling relations.